Stickers for everywhere: in your store, in your restaurant, on a bathroom wall, or on your car bumper.
Choose, order, stick
>Choose your sticker from our database with more than 350 existing images, icons, and brand logos. Then select the color you want, and you can start sticking.
Ordering for more than 125 euros? Then you'll pay no setup cost and we'll deliver everything for free to your chosen address.
Single-color stickers (mono), where you can choose the color yourself.
Full-color stickers (Quadri).
Showing 97–101 of 101 results
Simple and user-friendly website. My order was in my mailbox after only 2 days.
I was able to place my order from the ipad and my store window sparkles. Super fast delivery.
Be sure to consult our answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ).
If you still have questions, you can contact us at